
Jose Anne Canadian in Sydney

I am a 25 years old girl from Montreal, Canada. I’ve been away from home for nearly a year now, and I am deciding between staying here in Sydney, Australia or going back home for a while to rest and start travelling again. I see myself settling in a country for at least the next five years.

Who did you want to be when you were a kid?
Olympic athlete in synchronised swimming.

What do you do now?
I am a student in media and entertainment production. I work as a bartender, and just before I leave my country, I started to work in media management.

Who do you want to be if anything was possible?
I’d like to work in the music and film industry in a way that I can travel as part of my job.

What was the most exciting experience/moment of your trip?
One day we went to a national park in Sydney, and the water condition was not very good for a beginner like me to surf. We had to jump from the rocks into the dark and shallow water. After my friends jumped, my entire body went numb and paralysed. I was terrified, and I was sure that I couldn’t do it, and I couldn’t jump. I was about to go back to the car that this older man took me by the arm and told me I had to follow him. Before i knew it, I was in the water trying to beat the hard waves. I had the scariest and the best time of my life out there. I made memories that I will never forget for the rest of my life. Never trust your fears; they don’t know what is possible, and they don’t know your capabilities.

What was the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself by travelling?
Trusting myself and not being afraid of failing. I got to know that anything is possible.

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